Did ChatGPT Kill the Student Essay?

In the modern educational landscape, technology's role is evolving at an unprecedented rate, bringing along a myriad of benefits and challenges. One of the technologies at the forefront of this transformation is ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI. As students increasingly turn to such models for help with their essays, educators and philosophers are left pondering: Will chatgpt kill the student essay soon?  This article delves deep into the essence of this dilemma, examining the complex relationship between ChatGPT and the academic essay. You'll learn how the technology works, its impact on the student's understanding of essay writing, and what we ought to want student essays to do.

The Technology Behind ChatGPT

Before you jump to any judgment, it's important to grasp what ChatGPT is and how it operates. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a machine learning model designed to generate human-like text based on the data it's trained on. When students use it for essay-writing, it can churn out articles that are coherent and factually sound on the surface. However, the model has no understanding of the content it produces and no regard for the truth. It's essentially a machine programmed to take shortcuts, which may not align with what we ought to want student essays to do.

Student Essays: What Should They Achieve?

Essays have long been considered a cornerstone in education, designed to foster critical thinking, research skills, and depth of understanding. Educators ought to want student essays to be more than just a collection of coherent sentences; they should be a mirror reflecting the student's thought process, judgment, and depth of understanding. Essays should reveal how students engage with a topic, what they have learned, and how they've grown. When you let a machine do that work, what part of this educational experience is left for the student?

The Ethical Implications

ChatGPT may produce essays, but it's a bullshitter in the philosopher Harry Frankfurt's sense: It has no regard for the truth. Students might end up with a well-crafted essay but no understanding of the subject matter. What's even more concerning is that they may not care about this lack of understanding. After all, if the primary goal is to get a good grade, who cares if you've outsourced your thoughts to a machine? This is a damning scenario that educators and ethicists are grappling with.

Academic Integrity: A Thing of the Past?

Technology like ChatGPT is increasingly leading students to cut corners, thereby ignoring the essence of academic integrity. With the accessibility of such technology, the world of education needs to redefine what it means to cheat. Is using ChatGPT any different from having a friend write your essay? Both scenarios present a lack of understanding and a blatant disregard for academic integrity. If this trend continues, the age-old practice of writing student essays may die, leaving educators wondering what they ought to want student essays to do.

The Role of Educators

So what role should educators play in this evolving landscape? The first step is acknowledging the problem. Ignoring technology will not make it go away. Educators ought to engage with these platforms to understand their capabilities and limitations. Incorporating them into the educational system in a controlled, ethical manner could be a way forward. Perhaps the task now is to figure out how to integrate technology like ChatGPT into the educational system in a way that enhances, rather than replaces, critical thinking and depth of understanding.

Do's and Don'ts When Using ChatGPT for Essays

  • Do use ChatGPT for brainstorming ideas.
  • Do consult the generated text for writing style and structure.
  • Don't rely solely on ChatGPT for your academic essays.
  • Don't ignore the ethical implications of using such technology.

Final Thoughts

While ChatGPT and similar technologies offer unprecedented conveniences, their integration into educational settings presents both ethical and practical dilemmas. To simply blame the technology for killing the student essay is reductive. It's crucial to consider the broader educational ecosystem, understanding what we ought to want student essays to achieve. Remember, technology is a tool, and like any tool, it can be used for good or ill. The choice, ultimately, lies in our hands.

Useful Resources: https://thechuggernauts.com/best-9-drinking-games-for-uni-students/


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