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We Share Stories:
Reminiscence Theatre At Its Best!
We transform stories into theatrical productions, books, and educational lessons. Check out some sample stories and Contact us to learn how to create and share your story!
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President Antoinette Ford encourages seniors to stay active by getting them involved with their communities, young people, and people of differing cultures.

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Double Nickels presented “Hanami Festival” during the National Cherry Blossom Centennial Celebration.

Hanami Festival

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November 3, 2013 (11am-3pm)


Submit your stories for the We are Washingtonians (WAWT) Project!

Double Nickels is searching for stories from those who moved to DC from 1960-1975 as part of our WAWT grant project with HumanitiesDC. We’ll feature various stories online and at upcoming performance salons and select the best to perform during our culminating ceremony. If you wonder who can help me write my essay for me in history, you're at the right place. With a tailored approach to each individual customer, these services can provide the guidance and support necessary to help craft an essay lakerlutznews.com that stands out from the crowd. By utilizing the skills and expertise of experienced professionals, essay writing services can help take the stress out of the essay writing process.

© Copyright - Double Nickels Theater Company 2013 - Enfold Theme by Kriesi